
Craps: author blogs


Blogs about Craps

Craps is both a simple and challenging game. It frightens newcomers with the confusing layout of the field, an incredible number of bets, and mysterious stages of the gameplay. It is especially scary to approach the table in real casinos, when a noisy company gathers around it, shouting strange terms and slang phrases.

But it is necessary to understand the basic points of the rules of craps, and this gambling is no longer a fear.

Moreover, to achieve maximum results allow the simplest rates, which can be combined in simple ways.

Basic knowledge about craps you can get in the sections "Rules", "Articles" and "Strategies" at the Casinoz portal. Readers' blogs published on this page will allow you to learn more.

What do you need to know about craps?

To successfully play craps, you need to master several topics:

  • The rules are the foundation, without which you will not progress further.
  • Mathematics – there are many bets in craps that have different RTP indicators. The advantage of the casino in them can be from 0% to 20%. You need to know which positions leave the best chances.
  • Strategies – Do craps betting systems help you to win? What is the optimal strategy? Read about it in articles and blogs.
  • Finance – proper bankroll management allows you to avoid collapse.
  • Psychology – it is difficult to overestimate the importance of internal control. Beware of addiction. Be able to control yourself.

Do not underestimate any of the above points. Solid knowledge in all aspects will allow you to act successfully.

What will blogs teach about craps?

So, you have understood the most important provisions of the rules and mastered the key recommendations for the game of craps. This is enough to go to the casino and try your luck playing for money.

Why read the author's diaries about craps? To regularly receive new and fresh information. They are led by really interesting people:

  1. Real players of offline and online casinos,
  2. Former croupiers who worked at craps tables,
  3. Representatives of gambling operators and software developers and so on.

In blogs you will find answers to many questions:

  • What are the differences between craps in real gambling clubs and electronic casinos?
  • What bets give the maximum chances of winning?
  • Is it possible to make living playing craps?
  • How do cheaters cheat in craps?
  • Is it realistic to control the roll of the dice?
  • How many lucky players managed to win in one session?

Believe us, blogs raise very interesting and sometimes unexpected topics.

How to keep your blog about craps?

Any registered Casinoz user can open a blog about craps. Don't forget to just learn the rules.

What can I write about? Consider any aspects related to craps.

Author's style and other ways of self–expression that does not contradict the current legislation and common sense is allowed.


Blogs about craps will be interesting to anyone who really loves this game of chance and wants to know about it as much as possible.