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Personal Blogs of Gambling Addicts

Who is a gambling addict? Who is called by this word? Are casino players offended if it is used in relation to them? Finding answers to these questions will help personal diaries of avid gamers at the casino.

The classical definition of the term is as follows:

Gambling addiction is a pathological addiction to gambling.

Accordingly, one should be considered a person who can not control his passion.

However, in the circles of regular casino customers, this concept is used in a broader sense. Many players call themselves gamblers, although in reality they do not lose control of themselves and do not experience other symptoms of the disease.

In this section of Casinoz fans of excitement share gaming experiences in the format of personal blogs.

Who keeps gambling blogs?

Most authors are real players who regularly visit (or have actively visited in the past) online casinos or offline establishments.

Any reader of the portal can open his blog to communicate with like-minded people, talk about observations and provoke discussions.

The main requirement is that the posts in the diaries should be directly related to gambling.

What is told in gambler's blogs?

The list of topics is extensive:

  • Stories about their private experience of casino games,
  • Tips for beginners,
  • Reflections on the essence of addiction,
  • Discussion of gaming addiction problems,
  • Recommendations on how to overcome the craving for excitement and so on.

Discussion of articles in the comments is welcome.

To whom are the gamblers' blogs?

Of course, personal blogs of casino customers will be of interest not only to obviously addicted persons. Articles published on this page are a storehouse of useful information for a wide range of users.

If you enjoy playing in the casino, want to improve your level, and constantly learn something new, read the posts of your like-minded people, participate in discussions of materials and write yourself if you have something to tell others.


Do you consider yourself a compulsive gambler? We hope not, because gambling addiction is a very dangerous thing. Gambling experts recommend keeping this hobby under control and immediately responding to any manifestations of gambling addiction.

Be reasonable and always play the casino responsibly! If you want to share your personal experience with other readers, this section of the portal will be a convenient platform for you.