
How to Benefit from Blackjack Dealers' Mistakes

Lady dealer deals blackjack game

There are many buzzes around card counting, considered a simple way to reduce the house edge in blackjack. However, anyone trying to do it knows it is a tough job.

The main reason is that the casinos know about this technique.

They let some players do the card counting, thus making a kind of covert advertising. However, any pro gambler who knows how to get a regular benefit for himself is forced to leave the casino. If you rely only on card counting, dark clouds gather around you. That's why you should resort to other methods to increase your advantage.

One of these methods is taking advantage of the dealer's mistakes.

It's up to you how fair it is, but we should say most pro players use such gifts shamelessly and with fun, not considering it shameful.

Suitable Casinos

If possible, you should first choose the most suitable casino.

  • In this case, we are interested in houses where you can easily count cards without being caught and where a dealer can often be wrong.
  • First of all, these are new casinos, which often hire inexperienced staff.
  • It can also happen in places that have been recently expanded or rebuilt.
  • It would help if you also looked for a casino where each dealer serves multiple tables. If a dealer constantly changes games, rushing from one table to another creates confusion.
  • A similar situation can also happen in crowded places, where casinos install extra tables in inappropriate spots.
  • Sometimes, walking into a 24-hours casino in the morning is good, especially after a crowded evening. You only have to find out if the night shift has changed. Staff's attention is blunted, and concentration is absent at such hours – hence, mistakes are inevitable.

    Perfect Dealers

    Choosing a casino, look at all dealers, and try to pick a table served by a dealer with specific features.

    • We are talking about dealers who work feverishly and unprofessionally and look unhappy or dissatisfied.
    • Too young or too old dealers are also acceptable.
    • Please pay special attention to those being criticized by pit bosses, which makes them nervous.
    • A good sign of a suitable dealer is shaking hands and shifty eyes.
    • Croupiers trying to work as quickly as possible or dealing on autopilot also often make mistakes.
    • Sitting at the table with a pretty flirtatious girl or a young guy would be best.
    • Such staff may be trying to solve their problems through customers, so they are interested in the work only to a certain extent.
    • Of course, you should always choose a dealer who is suitable for you, or you know they make many mistakes.

      We should also mention fast dealers.

      At first, it may seem uncomfortable, but when your professionalism reaches a certain level, you can use a fast pace.

      Most often, the dealer deals the cards too fast to boast of their skills or ward off boredom.

      Both show an unprofessional attitude. Moreover, such employees won't even think they may make severe errors because they feel that pace is the primary skill indicator. Inspectors and pit bosses may implicitly trust them and loosely supervise their work. Take advantage of this for your purposes.

      Proper Tables

      It is also essential to choose the best table for your purposes.

      Best of all, if it is the table located next to noisy slot machines, loud music, and sparkling lights.

      Of course, you need to be confident in your professionalism, which shouldn't be affected by external factors. But the dealer's job is more complex than yours. Besides, they can not choose a time for a break, which puts more pressure.

      It's excellent if your partners by the table distract casino personnel. It can be pretty girls, drunk and liberated players, talkers, and brawlers: the more noise, the better for you.

      Let your opponent shout out loud everything that happens at the table. Just don't let it distract you. If a neighbor tries to speak to you, switch his attention to the dealer. Usually, this happens by itself if you do not keep up a conversation.

      Such players will distract dealers' and pit bosses' attention from you and let you do your job.

      Ideal Table Positions

      One professional blackjack player once said that the best spot to sit is between a noisy player and a pretty girl. When your turn comes, a dealer will be a little annoyed by the previous client, but at the same time, they will want to talk to the beauty beside you. In any case, you'll be the last to interest him.

      It is also believed that if you sit at the corner of the table, the croupier will be forced to monitor the rest with peripheral vision, making him inattentive. As for the basic strategy and card counting, it is a long-proven fact that the player's place at the table doesn't affect the game's outcome.

      Appropriate Behavior

      Keep track of all dealers' actions and try to interfere if they make mistakes that are not in your favor. If this fact is unnoticed by a pit boss, the dealer will subconsciously thank you.

      When playing with a weak dealer, you can point to a couple of mistakes, if they are profitable for you.

      This will make him believe in your honesty and exceptional favor to him. He will likely make even more mistakes, ensuring it won't cost him a penny.

      We will discuss how to push a dealer to make various mistakes and lose confidence in future articles. Some very effective methods of provoking errors look utterly innocent to others. Stay tuned for new articles.

      Frequently asked Questions

      🙋‍♀️ Can casino dealers make mistakes?

      All the time. And not only beginners. Experienced dealers also often make gross mistakes.

      🍬 Can the player take advantage of the dealer's mistake?

      It's not a violation of casino rules. The ethical side of this question is up to you.

      🃏 What games are the most suitable to take advantage of the dealer's mistakes?

      Try it at blackjack, poker, roulette table, and other casino games.

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