Essential Tips for Online Casino Players
Essential Tips for Online Casino Players
Denis Anipchenko
For beginners

Are you taking your first steps in the world of online casinos? We recommend you read the practical advice of experts that will help you not to fall for the bait of scammers and not make stupid mistakes. You will learn how to choose an institution, recognize crooks, open an account, determine the most profitable gambling game, not become addicted, and so on.

How to Start Playing at Online Casinos
How to Start Playing at Online Casinos
Denis Anipchenko
For beginners

What do you need to become a client of an online casino and have no problems playing your favorite games? Very little. In this article, we will briefly describe what you need for that. Our recommendations will help you quickly understand the main aspects and avoid the most common mistakes.

Choose Gambling Experts Carefully
Choose Gambling Experts Carefully
Denis Anipchenko
For beginners

Google gives about five million results for the query "casino tips." It means that the world has many people who consider themselves professional players in teaching others. Who are they? Experts, amateurs, cheaters, enthusiasts? And where to find the real pros? Let's try to answer.

What Do Casinos' Revenues Come From?
What Do Casinos' Revenues Come From?
Denis Anipchenko
For beginners

The article explains how casinos make money from their clients. It describes the fundamental principles and factors of getting revenues in the gambling industry. It will help you comprehend many essential concepts to understand this business better.

Pros and Cons of Internet Casinos
Pros and Cons of Internet Casinos
Denis Anipchenko
For beginners

In recent years, people have usually praised online casinos. Indeed, if a gambling website is fair, reliable, and high quality, it has many advantages. However, it should be noted that they are not so attractive in some respects. We want to tell you about the Internet casino features contributing to a comfortable game and about aspects negatively affecting the psychological state of clients.

Online Casino Banking
Online Casino Banking
Denis Anipchenko
For beginners

One of the main reasons that many players still refuse to register in online casinos is their lack of confidence that they will get the money. On the other hand, some open a casino account, without specifying a method to withdraw the winnings. This article will help you understand what you should pay attention to when reading the user agreement.

Casino Games with High Odds of Winning
Casino Games with High Odds of Winning
Denis Anipchenko
For beginners

To maximize the probability of beating the casino, you must choose the best game, follow the optimal strategy, and stick to other recommendations of gambling experts. Newcomers can hardly cope with this task alone, so we have prepared an article about games with the best odds of winning. Please, read it if you play for real money.

Casino Tournaments
Casino Tournaments
Denis Anipchenko
For beginners

Casino tournaments are held frequently in land-based casinos and on gambling websites. These events enjoy the popularity of many players. Before you decide to join them, you should carefully examine several issues that will be discussed below. These tips will help you avoid mistakes and win in tournaments more often.

Frequently Asked Questions on Internet Casinos
Frequently Asked Questions on Internet Casinos
Denis Anipchenko
For beginners

Online casinos are quite a young phenomenon in the modern world, so gamblers have diverse questions. They relate to various aspects, but one of them, the most widespread that almost all users are interested in, is how to become a client of online casinos. We have tried to answer the most frequently asked questions.

Practice Makes Perfect
Practice Makes Perfect
Denis Anipchenko
For beginners

You can rely solely on luck playing in a casino, but it is not the best gambling plan. Most customers cannot play successfully for long, depending only on chance. Sooner or later, you will have to learn the rules' details, master basic strategies, and practice much.

Introduction to Internet Gambling
Introduction to Internet Gambling
Denis Anipchenko
For beginners

If you decide to become an online casino client but do not know where to start not to make mistakes, you need to read this article. It explains the main aspects of internet gambling worth your attention. It does not answer all beginners' questions but tells how to find the solution to most common problems.

Playing at Online Casinos for Free and for Money
Playing at Online Casinos for Free and for Money
Denis Anipchenko
For beginners

Today online casinos have a lot of interesting free offers. There may be no-deposit bonuses, free tournaments, generous prizes, lotteries, races, free spins, etc. We will tell you where to find all the "tasty" in online casinos. And you should properly use this information.

Pros and Cons of Online Casino Demo Games
Pros and Cons of Online Casino Demo Games
Denis Anipchenko
For beginners

The weak will not benefit from training, and the strong do not need it. Do you know this saying? So, forget this utter stupidity that has ruined many good people. It is not valid for any field of activity, including gambling. Practice if you want to learn how to play with the maximum benefit (or with minimal losses). In most online casinos, the free mode is available. Use it to understand the theory and sharpen your practical skills.

Is It Worth Becoming an Advantage Gambler?
Is It Worth Becoming an Advantage Gambler?
Denis Anipchenko
For beginners

Being a professional casino or sports poker player sounds romantic. But the reality is not as rosy as it may seem. Such occupation is associated with many difficulties not everyone can cope with. So, before leaving your business and becoming an advantage gambler, read this article.

TOP 10 Best Online Casinos
TOP 10 Best Online Casinos
Denis Anipchenko
For beginners

It is impossible to unmistakably select the best online casino. Everything depends on the players’ preferences. Some gamblers are looking for diversity. The others prefer high-quality software or a generous bonus policy.

Ten Commandments for Casino Players
Ten Commandments for Casino Players
Denis Anipchenko
For beginners

You will not believe how many casino players make childish mistakes constantly. Even experienced customers are prone to commit stupid blunders. Some of them play for years and lose money for years. You do not want to be one of them, don't you? Please read about the Ten Commandments for gamblers and strictly adhere to them.

Online Casinos VS. Land-Based Casinos
Online Casinos VS. Land-Based Casinos
Denis Anipchenko
For beginners

A dispute about whether the online and land-based casinos compete with each other or if they can peacefully coexist and share customers is quite old. We have tried to understand why players choose one or another form of gambling and how often they combine them. In this article, we considered the principal factors and gave them our assessment.

Casino Playing Systems
Casino Playing Systems
Denis Anipchenko
For beginners

Having read numerous reviews on various websites about gambling and talked with Casinoz readers, we have concluded that people understand the concept of "game systems in the casino" differently. We dedicated an article that will help our readers understand this issue. It will be helpful to beginners, although we will also be glad to hear opinions from professional gamblers.

Preparing to Play at Internet Casinos
Preparing to Play at Internet Casinos
Denis Anipchenko
For beginners

It is always better to learn from others' mistakes. Casinoz writers have played at casinos a lot and made numerous missteps. Use their experience to avoid numerous traps placed in the path of all gamblers. This article will tell you exactly where to start playing at online casinos and direct you to more detailed guides about various topics.

Best Casino Games
Best Casino Games
Denis Anipchenko
For beginners

Choosing the best casino games is based on your goals. Why do you play in casinos? If you are interested in having fun, rely on your preferences. If you need the best result, prefer games where you can minimize the house edge or even get rid of the club's mathematical advantage over you. Read more about it in our article.

Tips on Casino Players' Safety
Tips on Casino Players' Safety
Denis Anipchenko
For beginners

If you are going to play in a land-based casino, you should remember that you will meet not only honest people who go there to spend time and tickle their nerves. Some customers are thieves and frauds. Make sure you follow the basic recommendations for your safety.

Tips for Casino Players
Tips for Casino Players
Denis Anipchenko
For beginners

Playing in a casino is not just fun but also a very responsible process. At every stage, a beginner can make many mistakes. To help you avoid them, we have prepared a list of essential recommendations intended primarily for clients of online casinos. They explain the fundamentals and are helpful to anyone who dives into the ocean of gambling.

Why Do You Lose More Than Win in Casinos?
Why Do You Lose More Than Win in Casinos?
Denis Anipchenko
For beginners

How are gambling games managed? Why do casinos remain almost always in black if the administration does not make mistakes? How should you play to reduce the chance of losing? We are trying to answer these and some other questions in this article. It will be helpful and exciting, especially for newcomers who make their first steps in the offline and online casinos.

Gambling Market and Online Casinos
Gambling Market and Online Casinos
Denis Anipchenko
For beginners

What was the purpose of the Russian government when it limited the casino's activities instead of bringing order to the industry? After all, bans that are taken out officially, in practice, appeared only as an occasion to collect requisitions from the institutions continuing to work, but now it is illegal. Is it any wonder that online casinos have actively begun to develop in such a situation, and it will be much more difficult for the authorities to deal with them similarly? Read about these and other topics in the article.

How to Register at Online Casinos
How to Register at Online Casinos
Denis Anipchenko
For beginners

The process of registering in online casinos is very simple, because each step is described in detail and often has screenshots. The trouble is that not all casinos have a Russian version of the site, so users who do not speak English, face certain difficulties. In this article, we will help to overcome them.

How to Talk with Online Casino Customer Support
How to Talk with Online Casino Customer Support
Denis Anipchenko
For beginners

Casino customer service is there for the customers to let them enjoy the service without facing any problems. However, not all users know how to communicate with customer service and where to seek help. If this matter is not entirely clear to you, read on...

Funny Tips for Gambling Fans
Funny Tips for Gambling Fans
Denis Anipchenko
For beginners

The tips for gamblers listed in this article should not be taken seriously. They are a kind of joke mocking the vices of some casino regulars. So we can safely give this advice: do the contrary if you do not want to look foolish in the eyes of casino employees and visitors.

How to Register in a Casino and Start Playing
How to Register in a Casino and Start Playing
Denis Anipchenko
For beginners

The registration process in online casinos rarely causes difficulties for a careful and responsible person. Be thoughtful enough to read the user agreement and correctly complete the registration form when you open an account to avoid any problems. The recommendations given in this article will help you avoid common mistakes.

Common Misconceptions about Online Casinos
Common Misconceptions about Online Casinos
Denis Anipchenko
For beginners

The best way to eliminate misconceptions about online casinos is to play in them. Even on training bets. But many people are so stubborn that they do not want to hear about online playing. We will try to dispel some misconceptions about online casinos. Perhaps it will help you change your mind about them.

Helpful Tips for Online Casinos Players
Helpful Tips for Online Casinos Players
Denis Anipchenko
For beginners

When starting to play at an online casino, it is easy to make many mistakes. They are available at every stage: a selection of places, registration, deposits, the first bet, receiving bonuses, etc. You should never rush out and start playing for real money. We have prepared a few pieces of advice to tell you which direction to go.

How to Start Playing at Online Casinos?
How to Start Playing at Online Casinos?
Denis Anipchenko
For beginners

Today's online casinos are constantly improving their services and simplifying the registration and deposit to provide new customers with the fastest way to start playing for money. However, inexperienced players are still facing difficulties at different stages. Casinoz will help you avoid silly mistakes that may cause various problems. Find the fastest way to start playing at an online casino.

Your Most Costly Mistakes at Casinos
Your Most Costly Mistakes at Casinos
Denis Anipchenko
For beginners

Casinos profit in the long run due to the house edge in all games. But it would not be so simple if the customers did not make numerous mistakes. We have compiled a list of the most critical missteps that cost players a lot. We hope that you will be able to avoid them.

Frequently Asked Questions on Online Gambling
Frequently Asked Questions on Online Gambling
Denis Anipchenko
For beginners

Most people perceive everything new suspiciously. The first internet casinos appeared over twenty-five years ago, but many players still fear them. And the reason is that nobody could explain that online gambling is profitable, easier, and more enjoyable than playing at land-based casinos. We will give answers to the most common questions about virtual casinos. If you have not yet decided to become their customer, read it.

Random Number Generators in Online Casinos
Random Number Generators in Online Casinos
Denis Anipchenko
For beginners

The games in online casinos operate on random number generators, although the word "random" in this situation is not entirely accurate. How exactly the process of determining the outcome of a single drawing works, you will learn from our article. It tells about the basics of RNG. It will help you understand how this component of gambling software functions.

Factors of Trust to Online Casinos
Factors of Trust to Online Casinos
Denis Anipchenko
For beginners

British scientists conducted a large-scale study, during which they found out according to what principle people choose gambling establishments. The authors conducted large-scale sociological surveys, arranged practical experiments, and processed vast amounts of information. The conclusions they reached are described in this article.

Free Games at Online Casinos
Free Games at Online Casinos
Denis Anipchenko
For beginners

An opportunity to test online gambling casinos by conventional bets for an unlimited time can be safely assumed as one of the main advantages of online gambling. Think about it; this allows customers a lot: get acquainted with the interface, check the betting system to practice the skills of the game on the optimal strategy, have fun, and so on. Read more on Casinoz about the game's training mode in an online casino.

Minimum Bets in Online Casino Games
Minimum Bets in Online Casino Games
Denis Anipchenko
For beginners

Beginners in online gambling can feel comfortable taking their first steps in the games for real money due to minimum bets. They may make mistakes at first without understanding all the details of online games. Micro limits will keep them away from losing a lot of money. But this is not the only advantage of small bets.

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