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Denis Anipchenko
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We have already introduced online versions of «Perfect Pairs Blackjack» which are presented by some producers of the software for online casinos to the readers of Casinoz. In particularity, we have told about «Perfect Pairs Blackjack» developed by Microgaming and Cryptologic companies. In the following review we are going to discuss a similar game released by CTXM company. It is highly competitive with the mentioned above models and even exceeds them in some aspects.

Type of game Blackjack
Manufacturer GamesOS

Where to Play Perfect Pairs Blackjack?

Play Free Demo Perfect Pairs Blackjack without registration

«Perfect Pairs Blackjack» can be found in Adam Eve casino and other online casinos powered by CTXM software. If you want to test this blackjack without registration by the virtual bets before you start the real game, you can make it right at Casinoz.

Online Casinos with Perfect Pairs Blackjack for Indians

How to Play Perfect Pairs Blackjack (GamesOS)

«Perfect Pairs Blackjack» is a free American online blackjack developed by CTXM company with side bets. Eight standard decks of fifty two cards with no jokers are used here. All cards are shuffled before each deal.
It is possible to win in «Perfect Pairs Blackjack» getting a higher score on the box than the dealer has never exceeding twenty one. All playing boxes also win in case of overtake in croupier’s hand. We would talk about payoffs by the side bets in the following paragraph.
The general rules of blackjack which you can learn in the special department of Casinoz work in «Perfect Pairs Blackjack». Here we would like to discuss the features of this version of the game only:
  • The dealer deals two cards to himself and reveals one of them.
  • The dealer checks for blackjack if an open card is an ace or a ten.
  • Split is allowed once.
  • It is possible to split different cards of ten point value.
  • Split aces are dealt with one card each.
  • An ace and a ten on the box made in result of split is not taken as blackjack.
  • Double at any two first cards is allowed.
  • In case of an open ace in the dealer’s hand, an insurance of blackjack is allowed.
  • «Perfect Pairs Blackjack» has no surrender.
Win on the standard box is paid 1:1, y blackjack - 3:2 and 2:1 by insurance.
For example, Adam Eve Casino allows playing «Perfect Pairs Blackjack» on one-three boxes and stake from one to one hundred credits per each of them.
The theoretical payback index of «Perfect Pairs Blackjack» is 99,3% according to the official information provided by the producer. Of course, it is necessary to play by the optimal strategy to reach such a result.

Perfect Pairs Blackjack Bonus games

It is possible to place a side bet which is drawn at the first two cards dealt in «Perfect Pairs Blackjack». This bet is paid in the following situations (with indexes):
  • Mixed pair – 5:1;
  • Same color pair – 10:1;
  • Same suit pair (perfect) – 30:1.
Side bet works independently of the main bet.


A progressive jackpot is not drawn in «Perfect Pairs Blackjack» online blackjack.

Perfect Pairs Blackjack Interface

There is no sense in detailed description of the interface of «Perfect Pairs Blackjack». This blackjack can be downloaded in your original language, while its control panel is more than logical. Everybody can understand it even if you are familiar with the rules of blackjack superficially.
New GamesOS
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Should You Play Perfect Pairs Blackjack for Real Money in India?

«Perfect Pairs Blackjack» as well as all the rest game develoeped by CTXM company, attracts by the excellent design, the profitable rules and lack of unnecessary elements which distract from the gameplay. Moreover, it looks realistic and doesn't require downloading any software.
We would like to talk about the optimal strategy of «Perfect Pairs Blackjack» in one of the future articles. Please follow the updates.
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