
Casino Baccarat

How to play baccarat at casinos

Baccarat is a popular card game played at all casinos in the world. Usually, you must make high bets while playing baccarat. Therefore, online casinos offer their visitors a simplified version of this game. It is sometimes called mini-baccarat. It is not necessary to make big bets on it.

Casino Baccarat Description

The main aim is either to guess the winner - the player or the dealer or predict a tie.

The user should only make a bet, and the dealer will make the rest. Eight decks of cards are used in mini-baccarat.

The game begins when the customer makes a bet on the outcome. Then the croupier deals two cards to each player. To determine the hand value, it is necessary to add together the values of the cards. However, if the resulting amount exceeds ten, it is necessary to subtract 10.

Values of Cards

  • ace has a point value;
  • king, queen, jack, and ten are worth 0 points;
  • other cards are worth face value.

If the hand value is eight or nine, it is considered excellent. Excellent hand wins automatically. Adding a third card to the two initial cards is sometimes necessary. This happens in the following circumstances:

  • if the player and banker have excellent hands, a third card is not dealt;
  • if the player's hand value does not exceed five, a third card is dealt;
  • if the banker's card value does not exceed five, and the player has not yet received a third card, a third card is dealt to the player;
  • if the player has drawn a third card, the banker deals another card to the player.

When a third card is dealt, the winner is determined by comparing the hand values. If the hands are equal, a tie is announced.


  1. a bet on the banker - 1:1 (-5% that is a commission fee);
  2. a bet on the player - 1:1;
  3. a bet on a tie - 8:1.

Strategies for Baccarat

The most straightforward system for baccarat is to constantly wager on the banker because the banker has a higher probability of winning. Although bets on a tie provide the highest payout, users should avoid them since, in this case, the house edge is 14%, practically giving the gamer no chance to win.

Frequently asked Questions

🃏 What is casino baccarat?

Casino baccarat is a simple variant of baccarat offered at online casinos. Customers play against the house. They must make one of the three possible bets and wait for the outcome.

👌 Can I play free casino baccarat?

On Casinoz, there are reviews of baccarat from various providers. In articles, you can test games for free.

😎 Should I play casino baccarat?

Casino baccarat offers high RTPs. You need to remember not to bet on the tie. 

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